Carroll Griesedieck
In Carroll’s words regarding her recent obsession with Ravens: “I can’t NOT look at them, photo them or paint them. It’s not even a choice. I find certain man made structures that Ravens land on to have a fantastic sculptural quality, the various tubes, wire, belts, etc. are intricate and beautiful. The combination of those, with the endless possibilities of whatever might be going on in the sky pretty much has it all.” Carroll in fact embraces the wires. More
“Bird Watching 1″ Monotype 30.5 x 33” $2200
“Street Light 3” Monotype 16.5 x 20.25 $700
“Bird Watching at Home 3″ Monotype 40 x 17.5” $1900
“Sunset At The Asphalt Plant” Monotype 28.5 x 22″ $1900
“Street Light 4″ Monotype 28.5 x 22” $600
“Street Light 5″ Monotype 14 x 16.75” $600
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